3.3 Design and construction. Assembly shall conform to Drawing 12257235 or
12270316, as specified (see 6.2), and other applicable drawings, specifications, and standards.
Parts shall be interchangeable as to fit, form, and function with all other units bearing same part
number. Assembly shall be interchangeable with accepted assemblies and with current mountings
(see 4.7).
3.3.1 Relief valve. The assembly shall incorporate a permanently installed, nonadjustable,
by-pass relief valve capable of performance specified in 3.4.9 (see 4.9.9).
3.3.2 Flow direction. Flow through the element shall be from the outside in as verified
during testing (see 4.9.4 through 4.9.9).
3.4 Operating requirements.
3.4.1 Bubble point. There shall be no bubbles visible when the filter element is
pressurized to 0.1 inch (in.) of water less than the minimum bubble point determined during
preproduction testing (see 4.9.1).
3.4.2 Filtration. The filter element shall remove 97 to 99 percent by weight of all
contaminants as specified in table I (see 4.9.2).
TABLE I. Contaminants filtration.
12257235 12270316-1
Filtration (µ) 1/
Flow rate (gal/min) 2/
Pressure drop (psid) 3/
1/ µ = micron
2/ gal/min = gallon per minute
3/ psid = pound per square inch differential
3.4.3 Flow rate. The rated flow capacity of the filter element shall be as specified in
table I (see 4.9.3).
3.4.4 Pressure drop. The pressure drop across the clean filter element shall not exceed
the amount specified in table I at flow rate specified (see 4.9.4).
3.4.5 Dirt capacity. The filter element shall hold the specified amount of AC Fine Test
Dust without exceeding the differential pressure as specified in table II at flow rate specified
in 3.4.3 (see 4.9.5).
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